Hania from My Piece of Wood

Meet the most inspirational, entrepreneurial women across the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industries.

“It means flexibility. I love being able to decide what to do at the moment. I choose whether to create jewelry, take photos or work in front of my computer. I know that for some people it can be hard to force yourself to work without a boss but not for me. I do what I have to do, but in the order I prefer.”


Hania is taking her creative mind and putting it to work with her beautiful Etsy business based in Poland, called My Piece of Wood.

After working for a few companies, Hania noticed she had been loosing interest every 2-3 years. Starting her own business was the key way for her to keep herself excited and passionate about her work, because she could always adjust and change.

5 years ago, she made her first sale on Etsy to the US, and this was such a great moment for her, because it really marked international spread and success of the business. Etsy has been a great platform for the business, and now she collaborates with some local EU boutiques and stationary brands. Dark red hand painted stud earrings  Wood slice ear studs  image 0

Her favorite item in the shop? The colorful, resin coated wooden stud earrings. She says she thinks in colors, and loves to experiment with new items and color.

I love them cause each piece is very different and you can find many interesting shapes inside. Is like watching the clouds, everyone see something different.

The shop is an extension of her learning process. She’s always been a crafter, and as a child, while her mom and dad both crafted, she also worked for a several jewelry companies with stones and metals. Her wooden jewelry was self taught, with Youtube and experimentation giving her a helping hand.Statement rectangular gem ring made from wood green resin and image 0

Her business is based in Poland, which brings a world of unique challenges, but she works hard to do what she loves, provide great customer service, and balance work and life. She loves to go for breaks with her dog outside the workshop, and she’s blessed with a beautiful location between a forest and creek. How dreamy! Self care is very important in any business, and this sounds like a wonderful way to decompress.

Her marketing advice is simple, talk to your customers and provide great customer service. It’s the foundation for everything!

For the future, she’s hoping to see her products in more shops, especially overseas! She would love for to people to be able to touch and see the jewelry in the reality.

Here’s her advice for business ownership!

Just do what you love. But first make a plan. If you have a time part job, that’s good, it gives you an opportunity to make a good plan. But when your plan is ready, leave your job and work hard only at your brand. It will give a good result.

Hania knows her customers are everything, and she loves to have them share her story. Things from the heart mean the most, even if it is just a like, comment, or share. So check out My Piece of Wood and support her social!

All thoughts and opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for this piece.