Bust Wrinkles with the SiO Facelift

Now that I am in my 20s, I am all about busting wrinkles. I am starting to notice fine lines on my forehead (yikes) and am looking for ways to combat them before I have to turn to more drastic measures!

I am also all about new skincare technology; I think trying new things, innovating, and creating in the skin market is so cool. When I received an SiO Facelift patch in my easter basket (the bunny knows!), I was all about it.

A bit about the patch…

Pull an all-nighter, and achieve the radiant, rejuvenated skin of your dreams! Comfy, potent, medical grade silicone patches firm, plump and erase the appearance of telltale aging lines around your neck, forehead, and eyes while you sleep. Wake to face the day with totally transformed smooth, radiant, rejuvenated skin.

I have the forehead patch, I think the bunny kept the others, and I am loving it so far. I am only on use two, but am noticing a difference when I wake up in the morning.

To use this patch, apply it to clean and dry skin (with no moisturizer or serums). I put it on before I go to bed, and take it off in the morning (so I get a solid 8-10 hours with it on!). Each patch can last for 15 uses.

So far, when I wake up in the morning, my forehead is SO smooth and flawless. That one pesky wrinkle I have disappears, and it is truly magic. I’ve known of silicone’s use in makeup products to fill things, as well as for a scar treatment, but I didn’t  expect it to be such a miracle patch for fine lines.

I’ve only used it for 2 nights, and I am noticing my fine line come back by the end of the day, but with some further investigation, it seems like the longer the use, the more lasting the results! I will keep using, and check in, but for right now it seems like this miracle patch has eliminated my need for Botox and creates the best smooth canvas for my makeup the next morning.

Would recommend!

All thoughts and opinions are my own. This was a gift (but not PR).