Aid Your Focus and Concentration with Genius Drops

Sometimes, being a grad student takes a lot of intense focus for long periods of time. Right now, I’m sifting through thousands of clinical papers on IBS to write a review…talk about needing to sit and think! I tend to be a focused person in general, but sometimes, I need a bit of a boost.

Meet Genius Drops by Joyspring Vitamins. This all natural, non addictive supplement drop is meant for kids and adults and boosts focus and brain power. Talk about a needed add in to the school day, right?

Joyspring brings natural supplements to parents and families to address common concerns without harsh chemicals or synthetic products. They taste good and are backed by herbal science. Their products span from focus to sleep and digestion.

These drops were Joyspring’s flagship product, and are both healthy and helpful! They contain 6 natural herbs, including peppermint, licorice root, rhodiola, gingko, hibiscus flower, and gotu kola. Each of these herbs work together in harmony to boost brain power, attention span, energy, and performance. Suspended in glycerin, there’s no extra junk in this supplement. All of the herbs are ones that I am familiar with and have taken in the past, so finding them in a blend is an added bonus.

I’ve been taking them during the morning and afternoon while I work, and find that lately, I’ve been incredibly productive with my school work, and extra things outside school! I really appreciated having the opportunity to try these, and would suggest moms and students alike check them out.

This item was gifted. All thoughts and opinions are my own.