Fitness At Work: Benefits of the Stand Up Desk+ Under Desk Treadmill

Since I work from home most days, I make an effort to transform my work space into something that is healthy, bright, and productive. To accomplish this, I’ve made some changes to keep my active and moving throughout my work day, rather than tethered to a chair. I find I get really bad back pain if I sit in front of a computer all day, and I feel really antsy.

What was the solution? First, a stand-up desk…then, an under-desk treadmill!

Stand-Up Desk

I have this stand-up desk, which is a table top version that fits perfectly on my desk. I can raise it to stand, and can also lower it when I feel like sitting. There are a variety of different options for this kind of desk. There are also standing desks that are an actual piece of separate furniture.

What are some of the benefits to the standing desk?

  • Burn more calories and reduce obesity
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • Reduce back pain
  • Increased mood and energy

I’ve felt many of these myself, with the reduced back pain and increased mood being the strongest. I probably stand 80% of my work day, and I don’t find it tiring. I’ve been doing this since January 2020, so I have definitely gotten used to this type of work set up!

Under Desk Treadmill

This is the star of the show. My under desk treadmill is an essential to my workspace, and really has improved my physical health and mental wellness. While I am working at my standing desk, I try to walk in 30 minute increments for a minimum of an hour a day. I prefer to try and do it longer, but it all is dependent on how my day is going.

Under desk treadmills are shown to reduce blood pressure/improve cardiac health, lower stress and cortisol, and help increase muscle tone and reduce body fat. Studies have also shown it helps increase productivity.

Monitoring My Activity

With all the standing and walking I’ve been doing, I really wanted to track my heart rate, calories, and steps taken/distance walked. An apple watch wasn’t in my budget right now, but I was able to find a really effective, high quality dupe on Amazon for under $35! It’s surprisingly accurate (with my pulse matching what the nurse at my check up said), and it works just as well for what I need. If you aren’t ready to take the plunge on an expensive watch but still want to know your health metrics, this is for you!

These are all the tips, tricks, and swaps I have used to make my workspace healthy and productive. I definitely am noticing a change in my body composition, and overall, I feel so much better when I am working!

All thoughts and opinions are my own. I purchased everything myself.