Clean Beauty Shop- Credo Beauty

Clean beauty is something I am diving into; I have very allergic skin (it gets hives faster than you can say boo!), but I am a devoted skincare lover. I am starting to read ingredients lists, and there’s some things in my skincare that I don’t necessarily need, like scary chemicals and fragrances.

I was in the market for a new eye cream, and after scanning my usual shopping spots and being a bit scared by the 40+ ingredients, I found an awesome new site called Credo Beauty.

Their mission:

Our mission is to change the way people think about ingredients and products they put on their bodies. We want to create a safer, more sustainable, more ethical beauty industry. We call it “Clean Beauty.”

Credo has been paving the way for the clean beauty movement from our inception. Since our industry is seriously under-regulated, it’s largely left up to companies to define claims and terms, which creates confusion (at the least). We know that common language and a roadmap will help the consumer, brands, and everyone else, so we created
“The Credo Clean Standard.”

That sounds right up my ally, and they have all kinds of products I have never heard of before, from innovative brands making waves in the clean beauty industry with unique and cutting edge takes on skincare, haircare, and cosmetics.

After shopping with heart eyes for a while, I stuck to my guts and ordered what I needed, an eye cream! I went for the Organic Flowers Eye Essence by Whamisa. This had all kinds of flowers and probiotic/fermented ingredients, which is what drew me to it. It was also a k-beauty product, and in general, I love all the Korean Skincare I have tried.

I’ve only used it once, and although it isn’t thick and creamy, it still feels moisturizing and light under my eyes. No irritations so far!

My mom is also a big fan of the site, and she ordered a CBD booster-serum. She hasn’t tried that one yet, but it’s 100% CBD oil for the skin, so I bet it will be awesome.

They also give 3 free samples with each order! I went for a face oil sample, an acne serum, and a mini shampoo and conditioner set! All generous sizes and high quality products.

I would definitely recommend checking Credo Beauty out if you’re ready for game changing clean beauty.

All thoughts and opinions are my own. I ordered everything myself.