Getting Into Decorative Planning

Decorative planning has revolutionized my life, truly.

I had watched planner videos on YouTube about a year before I jumped in and bought a planner, marveling over people who spent time organizing their lives and being creative while doing it. Then I became one of those people.

Getting into decorative planning can be intimidating, but once you do it, you will find it revolutionary. For me, I have become much more organized as my life gets increasingly busy. Also, it has given me a creative outlet that allows me to express myself once a week with built in time in my schedule, and actually enjoy looking at what I have to do! Ultimately, planning in a decorative way lets me mark down my favorite memories and be more mindful about what goes on in my life. I have cherished many more memories now that I can document them in a creative way, like scrapbooking, but better!

Here are my three beginning tips to transition into decorative planning…it may be for you, it may not, but this is a great way to try.

  • Pick A Time- Schedule a set time to do your planning each week. I set aside an hour on Sunday nights to decompress and make sure I have built in time to decompress and be creative. That way, it isn’t stressful to fit in.
  • Start Slow- When I started decorative planning, I didn’t go in with the expectation to beautifully cover the page. I slowly added stickers, washi tape, etc until I found which combinations would look the best, as well as grew my stash of supplies.
  • Find Your Style- There are so many different ways to plan. Some people like it functional with a splash of color. Others love a full cover! Find what works for you, and find inspiration on instagram and youtube to guide you.