Hosting My First Tailgate+ Buffalo Mac N Cheese Cups Recipe

As many know, I am a Pennsylvania State University grad student! I’ve grown up loving my state school, and since my boyfriend went here for undergraduate, I also love the football and tailgating culture.

We’ve gone to many tailgates, but have always wanted to host our own. That’s why, we decided to do it for the Buffalo game! It was an absolute blast, and I wanted to share a few tips, as well as a recipe for my super popular Buffalo Pancetta Mac n Cheese Cups.

  • Stay Organized- We weren’t the most organized, but we definitely tried. Have a solid set up plan, as well as try to know who is bringing what. Also, stick to a breakdown plan so you can go into the game and not worry about it!
  • Drink Water- Whether you’re drinking or not, stay hydrated so that the sun and business doesn’t dehydrate you. On that note, have PLENTY of water. You want your guests hydrated.
  • Overbuy Paper Products- We ran out of plates and cups so fast, so make sure you overbuy! People tend to get rid of stuff after each use, so you want enough so there’s extra.
  • Have People Bring Stuff- Tailgating can get expensive, fast. We cut major costs by asking everyone to bring stuff, from food to beer to supplies like tables and speakers!
  • It Doesn’t Have to Be Fancy-We were in one of the fancier lots, and there is a lot going on. I learned really fast though that it doesn’t have to be fancy to have a good time. We had food, drinks, and friends, and we all had a blast. I made such good memories, and we definitely didn’t go over the top. We just shared it with great people.

There’s probably so many more tips to share, but these are some good starters for your first one!

Recipe Time!

These buffalo-pancetta baked mac n cheese cups are easy, cheap, and were an absolute hit! If you haven’t learned by now, I don’t really operate on recipe level as far as measurements, so here’s what you need and how to throw it together!



  • Pancetta
  • Boxed Mac n Cheese
  • Milk and Butter for Box Mix
  • Buffalo Sauce
  • Cheese and Chives for Topping

Make the mac as instructions on the box. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Once you make the mac n cheese, add in buffalo sauce to taste. I really enjoy a good kick! Fry up some pancetta in a pan, then drain and toss in as well. Scoop into cupcake cups (well greased), then top with cheese and chives! Stick in the oven and bake for 15 minutes until crispy on the top.

So easy, and they taste even better.

All thoughts and opinions are my own.