Keana Rice Mask Review: Is Sake a Miracle Worker?

Have you heard about the women who manufacture sake? Supposedly, they have hands like children (even at 80 years old), and this is due to the sake rice ferment.

I am a full blown skincare junkie, especially when it comes to anti-aging, so I had to try. I usually try to do 1-2 sheet masks a week anyways, and was so happy to find a larger pack option to I could have repeated exposure to the miracle ingredient and see what results I have!

Sake, or rice wine, is a fermented rice full of good amino acids and other ferments that are said to brighten and renew skin. The beauty magazines are raving about sake treatments, and an at home sheet mask is a great way to bring the treatment right to your bathroom.

There’s a variety of Sake Sheet Masks, but I was gifted the Keana Rice Mask Sheet Mask pack for Christmas, which includes 10 rice ferment infused masks.

NADESHIKO rice skincare is containing 100% Japanese rice-derived skincare serum which acts against the dry porous skin.

The masks are focused on moisturizing and hydrating the skin, and the long term benefits of rice skin care are also to be celebrated! The immediate and prolonged skincare benefits from these masks makes them a perfect package, especially considering the simplicity of ingredients.

First of all, I think the packaging on these masks is a great idea. It minimizes some of the single use elements of sheet masks, and gives 10 masks all soaking and staying moist together in a well sealed envelope.

After the first use, I really noticed my skin felt moisturized and glowing. This immediate effect was great, but after using them relatively consistently (at least 2 times a week) I fund my skin stayed extra supple between usages. My next test will be to use one nightly for several nights and see how my skin looks!

So, I would highly suggest checking out these masks, particularly for the price! Have you heard about the wonders of sake?

All thoughts and opinions are my own.