Allison from Floramye

Meet the most inspirational, entrepreneurial women across the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industries.

Allison from Floramye is an incredible woman devoted to health and wellness in the CBD realm. Giving consumers healthy and simple CBD products is her goal, and she’s doing a great job at it. While she started in an MBA program, she dropped out when she became a mother, though these business skills still follow her. She’s also been an entrepreneur her whole life, starting her first business when she was 10!

After intense neck pain from a pinched nerve, Allison started her company. She found that CBD brought pain relief without making her groggy. CBD as a way to promote wellness is a huge passion of hers and fuels her business. The result was a CBD skincare and wellness company with organic products, for the skin, body, ingestion, and mind.

She loves all the products, and only sells products that she uses every day and completely stands behind. She likes the earthier Bravura profile of scents. The brand has two essential oil scent profiles, Bravura and Phenom. This is unique and provides something for everyone’s tastes.

Phenom: Uplift your senses with a delicate bouquet of evening primrose, rosehip, chamomile, geranium and other floral oils.

Phenom is a great choice for those with problem skin. It contains gamma-linolenic acid (which regulates hormone levels and can diminish hormone-related acne). Grape seed oil has a small molecular structure that will not clog pores. Phenom is an uplifting floral blend that balances, clears and smooths complexions.

Bravura: Ground yourself in the moment, thanks to an earthy mix of ylang ylang, citrus, cedarwood, sandalwood, and more.

Bravura delivers lasting luxurious moisture to battle signs of aging. Contains naturally bio-available vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to nourish skin. Bravura is a grounding blend that hydrates, brightens and refreshes the complexion.

Floramye is a company devoted to clean and sustainable wellness. Allison’s favorite part is new product development, where she can be creative and devoted to her mission.

I believe that less is more when it comes to beauty & wellness. I only want to sell products that improve lives and don’t have a negative impact on animals or the environment.

If you want to support Allison and Floramye, you can shop their site and share on social media. Make sure to follow them and check out their amazing products!

All thoughts and opinions are my own.