Jacqueline Guelli of JAX Skincare

Meet the most inspirational, entrepreneurial women across beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industries.

“I strive to be someone who is independent, someone who does whatever they think is best for their brand. They’re strong, cool, and always moving forward”

Jacqueline Guelli embodies the cool girl vibe. A do-er and a dreamer, the founder of JAX Skincare knows how to brand, how to work, and how to treat skin with kindness.

At the age of 18, Jacqueline went to school to become an esthetician. Upon graduation, she rented a space, opened her own office, and expected that she’d be satisfied with the results, but she got bored with her daily grind and yearned for growth. She knew she had to add more services, or expand and grow her own brand.  With that, JAX was born.

JAX Skincare is based on a European theory that involves taking a step back from the cleansers. It seems taboo, but when you’re over-cleansing your skin, you are stripping it of natural oils. Then, your skin overcompensates and produces more oil, which isn’t clean, and leads to breakouts.

It sounds too good to be true, but if you saw Jacqueline’s skin, you’d believe it! She tested this theory on her clients and saw significant results, and was mixing items in her kitchen. The Balance Oil was born. This revolutionary product is like no other, and even as the brand grows, this formula remains.

This facial oil hydrates, reduces redness + balances skin for an overall more even appearance. Vitamin A and E provide anti aging + brightening benefits while Rosemary Oil + Blue Yarrow protect against hormonal breakouts. It is sure to leave skin dewy + plump. For oily/acneic + normal skin types.

This is Jaqueline’s favorite product (her heart, soul, and miracle oil), and if you are starting out with the brand, she recommends this and The Toner! With her clients, she suggests trying these products for two weeks, seeing how they work, then adding more supplemental products. Make sure to exfoliate to see your skin glow, and keep the oil from building up.

The JAX line is a product of hard work and diligence. Jacqueline works very hard, but also plays very hard, and she loves this aspect of her business. She also notes that while there are great perks to being your own boss, she’s also had to give a lot up (like some Saturday nights). Overall though, she loves working with clients with something as intimate as their skincare journey, and focusing on educational tutorials that people watch.

JAX is excellent on social media, they focus on presenting a lifestyle that is effortless, edgy, sexy, Parisian, and educational. Jaqueline’s advice? “Fuck yeah or hell no!” Post intentionally, with quality over quantity, and photos that look great on the grid. Make sure to stick to a theme, and even create a vision board if needed.

While social media and branding is an integral part of the brand, Jaqueline cautions being too focused on social media for inspiration. She often finds when she looks for inspiration for her brand outside, she feels disappointed and starts comparing her success to those of larger companies. Instead, she loves to look back at her own brand’s growth to see all of the successes they have made so far. Even if you question yourself, she says “Don’t stop.”

For the future? JAX is working on an exfoliater and spa line, focusing on expanding the brand into a lifestyle (think a candle and bath). Additionally, Jacqueline want to focus on the educational aspect of the theory and brand, because that is the core.

“I want people to take what they are putting on their skin as seriously as their green juice and yoga.”

Jacqueline’s final advice? “Be real with yourself and value the small successes that make sense. Don’t look at end result, but just keep going step by step, and if you’re doing that, the end result will come.”

All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this interview, I just really like the brand!