May Lindstrom Blue Cocoon

This was supposed to be a review, but I’ll warn you now, this is just a rave! I love May Lindstrom Blue Cocoon. This is my skincare holy grail, and the product I could only wish to use every day.


Let me tell you some backstory. I received my first sample of the Blue Cocoon for Christmas 2 years ago from my mom and fell in love. The stuff was emollient, luxurious, and smelled like heaven. I just got another sample this year, and was reminded how much I loved the product. When I put it on my skin, I feel like a new person. Hydrated, rejuvenated, and at peace. It’s not just a skincare product, it’s an experience.

When I am out of the shower, I let a small amount of this product melt in my hand and I put it on top of whatever serums I have used that night. I make sure to inhale deeply and appreciate this goodness. It is high priced (for its incredible ingredients and small batch manufacturing), but totally worth it. Unfortunately, on a college budget, I get my one little sample pot a year to enjoy. And I ENJOY EVERY BIT!

Our balmy blue enchantress greets your skin with cool serenity, melting on touch to a fluid potion that tenderly envelopes you in the most decadent azule calm.

Mystical blue tansy eases feelings of emotional anxiety while releasing heat and providing nourishing hydration and relief to even the most delicate and troubled skin conditions.

Does that description not make you want to run out and buy this, right away!

Beyond the incredible products, I appreciate May Lindstrom because it is a thoughtful brand with real people, real ingredients, and a real message and story. After I graduate college, and get my PhD, you bet I’ll be staying as youthful and radiant as I am in my lower 20s by using May’s products. It’s skincare you feel good about, and makes you feel good.

So thank you to my mom, who is obsessed with the product as well, for introducing me to my skincare mecca! Buy it here, if you’re ready for experiential and meaningful skincare.