Moving Into My First Apartment

Wow, adulting is hard. I just moved into my own apartment, and along with that came a whirlwind of emotions. Change has never been easy for me, and this is a load of change at once. Starting grad school, living away from home, having to clean and cook, it has all been dumped on me at once. Stepping aside from the anxieties of the new, I wanted to share my favorite space in my new apartment.

This isn’t a long post, but a life update of sorts. I’m in a fresh place, ready to create fresh content and let my creativity bloom.

My apartment has this wonderful nook I’d like to call my zen corner. I have a gorgeous chair my parents gifted me for graduation, my trusty craft cart full of supplies that makes me feel good, and a fluffy white rug. The rose gold table was something my boyfriend and I made, then the flower was another gift from my mom, the candle from my favorite market in Philly (which smells like a yoga studio, might I add), and a pile of books that I am actually reading!

While the cooking may not be coming together, the decor definitely is!

All thoughts and opinions are my own.