Our Custom Beer Wedding Favors

Custom labeled beer favors.

Wedding favors are often seen as silly and a waste of money, or just some custom item that goes in the bin. Rather than waste money on something people didn’t need, we decided to do something that was unique to us, something we love, and something most people love too!

As big craft beer drinkers, we wanted to brew out own custom beer, have it labeled for our wedding day, and hand it out. We did a lot of research to see how to make that possible, and we came across a lot of dead ends. That’s when my husband decided we could take it into our own hands.

We started with the labels. He custom designed a label with a sweet story and one of our engagement photos. The labels looked just like something you’d find on a real beer, and it commemorated us! He ordered these from Vistaprint. They were fairly priced and excellent quality.

Next, we had to pick the right beer. We needed a can that we could easily take the labels off and put ours on. We went with Evergrain Joose Juicy, a delicious IPA brewed locally in Harrisburg. My husband took each label off, wiped the cans, and lovingly placed the new labels on!

The finishing touches were the set up he designed to display the favors. We had our beers on a table, and he made an adorable powerpoint with pictures of all our untapped reviews, where he has always taken a photo of me at the brewery we visited. It was a touch that our guests loved, and really is a special place in my heart.

So what do you think, did these make favors cool again? Did you have any cool wedding favors? Let me know!

All thoughts and opinions are my own.