Our Sentimental Church Ceremony

I think wedding ceremonies are often underrated online compared to the reception, but to me, it’s the most important part of the day. I wanted to make sure our ceremony was special, then everything to follow will be a dream. For us, that was having a church ceremony.

We tossed around the idea of having our ceremony elsewhere, like outside or at a venue space, but nothing felt quite right like the church I grew up going to. Not only did I grow up there, but it has very special family history as well.

The church is almost 200 years old, and my mom, aunt, grandmother, great grandmother, and great aunt all were members and got married in this exact building. My great-great grandmother even may have, we aren’t positive! This has such beautiful family history, and joining that legacy is very important to me.

An added bonus? Since the church is so old, it’s just truly stunning. Stained glass, wood, the high beamed ceilings…the works. It needs nothing to make it beautiful, it just is. So we can show up, have an amazing, religious ceremony, and also have gorgeous photos and memories.

So, what type of ceremony did you have, or would you like to have? Are you a church fan, or are you interested in something non-traditional?

All thoughts and opinions are my own.