Packing Tips and Tricks

Spain, here I come! I am so excited to be visiting Mallorca, Spain this month, and I am busy packing my suitcase to allow for some awesome outfits, self care, and adventures. Packing to go to Europe is no easy feat, but I wanted to share some of my packing tips and tricks that have gotten me through traveling now that I am more involved in the blog and instagram scene!

I’ll be in Spain for 7 nights, so here are my top 5 packing tips!

  1. Plan Things Out: Lay out your outfits in advanced to know what you’ll be wearing each day, or to specific events. Planned outfits will save you space, rather than just throwing in a bunch of separates and figuring it out at your destination.IMG_0968.jpg
  2. Get Rolling: Roll your clothes to both save space and reduce wrinkles. I live by this trick, because I mainly bring easily wrinkled dresses. IMG_0969.jpg
  3. Bag Things Up: I love to put my bikinis in mini ziplocs, this keeps things compact, matched, and if they are still wet, you can bag them back up for the flight home so the rest of your laundry stays dry. I am also a huge fan of using shoe bags to keep your clothes clean from the dirty shoes! IMG_0967
  4. Speaking of Shoes: Shoes take up a ton of space, so a great way to maximize your space is to choose shoes that go with everything. For a beach destination, I usually go for 3 pairs. One to wear there, a pair of flip flops for the beach, and nice sandals or wedges.
  5. Self Care for Days: I’m a big pampering fan. When I travel, I want to keep up with my skin and haircare so I can feel as beautiful as the destination I am in. I pack sheet masks for the flight, and I also pack a face mask I can put on to pull out any sunscreen congestion from the day. All kinds of samples from my subscription boxes come with me, and my skincare came is still strong. Bonus tip? Use those plastic bags that the Sephora subscription come in. They’re disposable and keep things organized! I have one for shower care, one for after shower, and one for stuff during the day.

So get packing, and have fun doing it! Packing for trips should be fun, not stressful.

All thoughts and opinions are my own.