Project Pan That Palette

I have been making a huge effort to use up my beauty products, and while some stuff is easier to use up, like creams, I find my powders to be a real struggle to finish!

I have started a new project to help me finish up some eyeshadows, called the “Pan That Palette” challenge.

This challenge is relatively simple, pick one eyeshadow in a palette that you are going to use with every look. Then, bring in whatever other products you want to use, and then you only have one thing you’re forced to use repeatedly. This doesn’t get boring, because you can still make a different look every day!

Keep track of how many times you use the shadow until you hit the pan! For me, I stopped as soon as the pan emerged! Make sure to pick shadows you can use daily. I have been going for muted brown colors, or creamy blending colors.

At the end of each shadow, you can then know if you used it enough to truly like it. For my first one, it was a shade I love and plan to keep around until the end! The other one, I realized it was kinda an awful shadow, so after I hit the pan, I won’t be using it anymore.

On average, it takes about 20-25 uses to hit pan, so you really aren’t committed for that long!

I love this challenge, because it keeps me creative and using my makeup. Then, I feel better about buying more! Have you ever tried this?

All thoughts and opinions are my own.