How To Kickstart Your Wellness With Sakara Life

Looking to kickstart your wellness in the new year? I’ve been very mindful of my personal health lately and Sakara Life is a brand I have been following and supporting for a over 4 years.

Sakara Life mainly specializes in gourmet, wellness inspired meals delivered to your door, but they also have a shop where they sell their supplements and health products to go along with their meals. They are focused on sustainably sourced products that apply traditional healing knowledge to promote well rounded health and wellness. Their Clean Boutique has probiotics, granolas, teas, bars, and other supplements. Their motto “functional foods backed by science, guided by spirit” is exactly the type of nutrition I abide by.

Over my years with Sakara, I’ve tried an assortment of their products. My first purchase was the Sakara Discover Kit. I then ordered the Detox Water Drops. The kit was my first step because I wanted to try out a ton of products, and then I loved the detox drops so much, I needed more! I’ll give you a mini review of each product below.

  • Probiotics– I had a lot of excitement for Sakara’s probiotic formulation, since it includes some strains not in usual pills. While I didn’t find the pack to be enough to tell if the formula worked, it didn’t aggravate my stomach. I’d consider trying the bigger bottle!
  • Mini Drops Duo (Beauty)-This drops duo had samples of the beauty water and the detox water drops. I found the beauty water ones to be inedible (they are supposed to be flavorless, but the flavor was awful).
  • Mini Drops Duo (Detox)- This was my favorite item of the kit! I noticed a major difference in body odor, and my skin was brighter and clearer. I also noticed that it really helps with hangovers, which is an added bonus!
  • Youth and Beauty Tea-This tea was yummy, and I love a good cup of beauty tea! I have found some I like for less money, and this does have saw palmetto in it (so be careful if you’re on birth control).
  • Detox Bar-Out of all of Sakara’s bars, this is my favorite. It’s blue, it’s sweet, and it’s filling. Blue Spirulina is an ingredient you shouldn’t sleep on!
  • Energy Bar- The energy bar has good hints of chocolate, but is a little grainy. Overall, a good bar, but not the best in the world.
  • Organic Protein and Greens Super Powder– I hate to say it, but stay far away from this unless you blend it with a million other good tasting things. I put it in my normal smoothie, and I had a hard time finishing it. I wasn’t a fan.
  • Metabolism Super Powder– I actually ordered the whole kit for this power, and it was alright, but I just couldn’t stomach it to drink every day and see results.

In addition to these products, I am a regular consumer and lover of their granolas and teas. My favorite granola is definitely the dark chocolate (though I make sure to try all their seasonal teas), and their detox tea is flavorful with rose and citrus, and I love the herbs & benefits.

Most recently, I splurged on their prepared meals! To ease into trying these meals, I ordered their 2x a day meals for 2 days, and went with breakfast and dinners. I ate the “dinners” for lunch. My meals included a lemon poppy parfait, celery root soup with truffle swirls, a cacao bar, and a lavender quesadilla. Every meal was filling, flavorful, and featured unique, superfood ingredients to nourish my mind, body, gut, and soul! When eating these, they felt indulgent and satisfying, and reduced any need for snacking. I posted some tasting videos and reviews on my Tiktok here!

While Sakara products aren’t cheap, I find them to be a great value, especially when you consider the unique and wholesome ingredients they use. If I were to cook meals in the way they do, I’d easily spend that, if not more, on the superfoods. If you’re just easing into it, I’d say go for some of their wellness shop products (especially the granola), and then indulge on some meals to try! For me? I plan to occasionally splurge on a couple of meals every few months for that nutritional boost and indulgent self care.

All thoughts and opinions are my own. I purchased all these different products myself.