Uncategorized Archives - MAKENNA MOYER

Category: Uncategorized

  • A Wintertime Adirondacks Travel Guide

    It’s not secret, Upstate New York, specifically the Adirondack Mountains, are home to some fantastic natural scenery. If winter sports are your forte, you’ll find a variety of ski mountains and resorts to practice your craft. Or, if you’d like to just get outside and explore, there’s a lot of milder wintertime options as well.…

  • Losing Weight the Health Way with WW

    When I started grad school, I was in good physical, gut, and mental health. Unfortunately, that went downhill quickly. I gained about 20 pounds, my IBS flared up, and I was constantly feeling anxious. Over the past two years, I started exercising, working on my stress and anxiety, and healing my gut through Seed. I…

  • Our Bespoke Save the Dates

    Our Bespoke Save the Dates

    With a wedding on a major travel holiday, I was ready to send our Save The Dates by October. While not necessary, we have a guest minimum (and pretty much everyone on our list, we want to be able to come!), so I had to make sure everyone knew to mark their calendars. I was…

  • All the big celebrations in my life include cake. That’s why I was SO excited when it was time to determine our wedding cake. Not only do I love to taste cake, but I love the idea of a really delicious, unique celebration cake. I wanted to share our process with cake tasting, because I…

  • Luxe Candle Tools for Elevated Luxury

    I’m a big candle girl, and I love to invest in luxe home scents that will transform my space. With candles like these, it is also important to take care of them to get a clean burn and get the best value for what you’re spending. In addition to making sure my first light burns…

  • Tree To Tub- Soapberry Natural Skincare

    Are you interested in skincare that truly comes from the earth, by a brand that prides themselves on going from plant to product with clean, high quality beauty? Look no further than Tree to Tub, a sensitive skin brand that uses sustainably harvested soapberries from Taiwan to formulate high quality face, hair, and body products.…

  • New Orleans, Louisiana Travel Guide

    I walked 55 miles in 6 days in New Orleans, and I have all the insider details on what to do, where to go, and what to eat. Travel guides are my favorite blogs to pull together, because they really embody all this brand is. Free, stylish, and adventurous living on a student budget. Well,…

  • Baking Through the Alphabet: Festive Cake Pops

    Do you love a good festive treat? I do! I have admired cake pop making for year, but just never felt like I could do them. They seem SO complicated. Well, I decided to give it a go so I could give out some treats on Valentine’s Day, and I am so glad I did!…

  • Goodreads: A Way To Track Your Reading

    If you’re like me, you’re probably doing lots of reading during this quarantine. I love to read, and although I read nightly, my time to read for pleasure is limited. Before quarantine, I averaged an enjoyable book a month. Now, I am reading much more! I am soaking up any reading material I can get…

  • Bim Candle Mask Review

    Have you read my #ladyboss post on Bim Candle Mask? If not, you should head that way now, then come back! If you have keep reading… Bim Candle Mask was nice enough to send a candle mask my way so I could test the magic, as well as a microfiber makeup removing towel. I was…